Introduction. And some thoughts on the state of American politics to date.

Khalil Brown
2 min readJan 17, 2022

I've stared at this blank screen for a while now and have had the worst time trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. Then after reading a multitude of different pieces on how to get started by several other different writers on this site, I’ve learned it's better to just start writing and stop thinking about it so much. Granted, it’s been a long time since I’ve written something substantial; as such, I’m a little rusty and have some cobwebs to shake off.

With that being said, my name is Khalil Brown, I’m 28, and I have seen enough preventable crap in our society to last several lifetimes. What you’ll see me predominately writing about will be in relation to where we all are when it comes to American politics. At times, I may comment on other nation’s affairs, but my main focus will be on my own home nation.

To be honest, if they weren’t so terrible at their jobs, I probably wouldn’t have decided to go forward with this, so thank you DC politicians, worse corporate bosses, billionaires, and other general bureaucratic screw ups for motivating me enough to do this. Without you showing your true colors since the 2016 election, the tide might not have started to turn against you, and you only have yourselves to blame.

Buckle up. I’m tired of watching things fall apart and have a lot of things I want to get off my chest. This is where I hope to start and I’d hope those of you that read this will come along for the ride.



Khalil Brown

I write to offer a different perspective politically regardless of party and ideology. I also write to try to be the change I want to see in the world.